In my last blog post I gave a short introduction to how video games and gamification can be an effective way to engage with consumers and motivate pro-environmental behaviour Using videogames & gamification to promote pro-environmental behaviour in consumers .
What we learnt about the esports audience
DOWNLOAD Blicx Esports Audience Motivations Revealed
For esports marketing professionals and video game developers
January 2019
What we learnt about the esports audience
A review from consumer perspective.
By Philipp Wagner, Blicx Research Director
Esports Survey Brand Marketing
Exploring The eSports Audience – Survey
We launched an 8 min online survey among a global game panel of console and PC gamers with 1,125 completed responses.
Key Learnings
– Overall Interest & awareness is high with 75% stating they are very aware of eSports and 72% say they are interested/very interested in this type of sports.
– 49% indicate they actively participate in eSports via a variety of activities such as watching streams, participating in tournaments online or offline, following eSports fantasy or playing in a school eSports league; 27% just watched eSports content online; 24% are rather passive and haven’t done any of these activities in the past 6 months.
– Desktop PC is the dominating form factor for eSports consumption with 78% saying they used it at least once in the past 3 months, followed by smartphone with 50% and console with 31%. However, desktop is by far the most often used device as 62% indicated, smartphone with 6% and console only 3%.
– The appeal and passion of eSports comes firstly through the attachment to the game, followed by team fanship and the liking of individual pro-gamers. Analysis of play strategy & game tactics and the connection to likeminded gamers is one of the most important drivers for eSports engagement.
– Only 18% agree to the statement that they “would watch an eSports match, which is not their favourite game” which further proves that the eSports ecosystems are centred closely around the game franchises and don’t have a lot of carry-over from other games.
– The audience is split in half regarding the question of fun versus serious competition. 50% agree that “eSports is the most exciting form of entertainment” and 31% agree positively that “eSports is all about having fun and less about competition”. However, 39% reject this claim.